Freak Animal has been proudly presenting new and fresh industrial / noise albums from Finnish bands and artists. We have not been cautious whether “market” prefers established names with permanent status in genre. Instead, we have been looking for new vital and strong things that are blossoming at the moment, yet not seen by other labels. Freak Animal is proud to offer this time two new debute full length albums by Finnish artists as well as new full length of UK industrial artists ZSS a.k.a. Zyklon SS.
More information of each CD below:

fa-cd-113 Vigitantism “Incessant Authority” CD
Finnish industrial-noise project Vigilantism emerged from Joensuu city in 2019. Member known from progressively improved Edge Of Decay project, that also debuted with CD album published by Freak Animal Records, had expanded his approach far enough to indicate birth of new project.
Sounds and atmosphere may be as rusty and bleak as E.O.D. at its best, but new project is far more structured and composed. Following traditions of Finnish industrial-noise, it has the raw and brute approach, yet each song has own form and spirit. Freak Animal is proud to offer yet another proof of currently flourishing power of Finnish scene.

fa-cd-114 ZSS “R. Superiority” CD
New, 2019 album of UK industrial stalwart returns with new album that certainly takes ZSS style of back to basics to yet another level. It is not as noisy and violent as some of the past works, but even more dark and oppressive. Slow paced rhythmic collisions of industrial waste sounds coupled with minimalist synth pulsations and spoken recitations. Published as digipak CD.

fa-cd-115 Junkyard Shaman “Flesh Hole” CD
Freak Animal Records is proud to present debut full length CD of JUNKYARD SHAMAN titled ”Flesh Hole”.
Packaged in full color digipak, this Finnish artists album represents highly unique material in contemporary Finnish scene. While using many of the traditional methods, of junk metal percussion, screeching and scraping sounds, cassette walkman manipulations and so forth, result is unlike anyone else is doing in Finland. Imagine odd mixture of industrial percussions on found objects like Z’ev, monologues captured on tapes with eerie sound, like Eric Lunde. Mixture of things bordering noise and improvisations like Dislocation.
Artists working under different names, exploring noise, drone and junkyard industrial has been active in Finnish live scene for years. His work has mainly existed separate from the well known Finnish power electronics and harsh noise realms. As sort of outsider artists, his work has been distributed often by self made recycled tapes and (Finnish language) outsider poetry books, reeking angst towards industrial society. After hearing multiple works by artists, Freak Animal felt his work is too good and too important to remain only to be known by random locals and people who meet the artist at the gigs or hear his works via internet steams.
In spirit, Junkyard Shaman reminds of the 80’s experimental/industrial. It is not overtly noisy, loud or aggressive. It is not vulgar and vile like harsh noise / power electronics. Yet, this is not nostalgia. It represents artists state of mind and his vision and lifestyle. Certainly album worth to give a try!
Wholesale orders: Contact via e-mail fanimal at cfprod dot com
Retail orders here (links to latest FA releases) : www.nhfastore.net